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Block Of Flats Insurance Quotes
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Block Of Flats Insurance Quote Form

For UK Customers Only

Please insert your details here and one of our insurance advisers will contact you shortly.

This form is designed for quotes for proposers who require block of flats buildings insurance with options to include property owners liability, contents of communal area's, etc. This form is not suitable if you wish to insure an individual flat within a block of flats.

For assistance with the completion of this form or if you have any queries, please phone us on 01623 641 386.

Proposer's Details

Owner(s) of the Block of Flats
Proposer's Full Name(s):
(enter sole owner's name or all partner's names if a partnership)
Limited Company Name:
(if a limited company is responsible for insuring the building)
Contact Name:
(if different to above details)
Proposer Type:
Proposer's Ownership Status:
(e.g. Property Owner, Residents Association, etc.)
Proposer's Correspondence Address:
(not address to be insured)
Correspondence Postcode:
Daytime Telephone No.
*E-Mail Address:
*Please note that your email address will only be used to provide you with your quote and not for any other marketing purposes.
Proposer's History

Based on the knowledge of any senior management and anyone involved in arranging insurance after making a reasonable search:
Have you, or any partner or director ever been
convicted of or charged with any criminal offence?
Yes     No
If yes, please provide details:
(i.e. date of conviction,
type of conviction,
length of custodial sentence, etc.)
Have you, or any partner or director ever been
declared bankrupt or insolvent, or subject to any
County Court Judgements (CCJ's) or Sheriff Decrees?
Yes     No
If yes, please provide details:
(i.e. date of bankruptcy/insolvency/CCJ,
amount of bankruptcy/insolvency/CCJ,
whether discharged or settled, etc.)
Have you, or any partner or director ever
been prosecuted under any Health &
Safety legislation within the past 5 years?
Yes     No
If yes, please provide details:
Has any insurer ever refused renewal, declined/
cancelled cover or imposed any special terms?
Yes     No
If yes, please provide details:
(i.e. name of insurer,
reason for refusal/special terms, etc.)
Number of years operating as a property owner? years

Property Details

What date was the block of flats purchased? (dd/mm/yyyy)
Block of Flats Risk Address
Address of block of flats to be insured:
Postcode of block of flats to be insured:  Help?
Risk Details
Is the block of flats in
a good state of repair and maintained?
Yes     No
If not, please provide details:
Is the property currently undergoing any
renovation/repairs or expected to undergo any
renovation or structural work in the next 12 months?
Yes     No
Please confirm the type of work to be carried out:
How long will the work take to complete?
How much will the works cost (£'s)?
Is the block of flats
purpose built or a converted property?
Purpose Built     Converted
Please confirm the approx. date of conversion: (yyyy)
Is the property used as a House of
Multiple Occupancy (HMO) or occupied as bedsits?
Yes     No
Are any of the area's of the building unoccupied?Yes     No  Help?
Please confirm the number of flats unoccupied:
How long has the flat(s) been unoccupied?
(i.e. for the longest unoccupied flat in the block)
Do you use a Managing Agent for the Block of Flats?Yes     No
Is there a planned building
maintenance programme in place?
Yes     No
Does the block of flats solely contain private flats?
(i.e. no commercial area's such as shops on the ground level)
Yes     No  Help?
If no, please provide details of the commercial section:
(e.g. hairdresser, restaurant, unoccupied shop, etc.)
Number of Flats
Total number of flats within the building:
How many are owner occupied / leasehold flats?  Help?
How many of the flats are rented out to tenants?
(i.e. under a tenancy agreement)
Are any flats let as student accommodation
or let to asylum seekers or to DSS tenants?
Yes     No
If yes, please provide details:
(i.e. type of tenant(s) and number of flat(s))
How is the rent funded?
Are any flats let on a short-
term lease of less than 6 months?
Yes     No
If yes, please provide details:
(i.e. type of tenant(s) and number of flat(s))
How are the flats heated?
(e.g. fixed gas central heating, fixed electric heating, etc.)
Security / Fire Appliances
Is there an electronic door entry system?Yes     No
Is there a NSI/NACOSS approved intruder alarm?Yes     No
If yes, details of signalling:
Is there CCTV with 24 hour monitoring?Yes     No
Is a fire alarm installed?Yes     No
If yes, details of signalling:
Construction of walls (e.g. brick, stone, etc.):
Construction of roof (e.g. tile, slate, flat, etc.):
Is there any flat roofing?Yes     No
Percentage flat roofing (if applicable):%
Please confirm the type of flat roofing:
(e.g. 'felt/bitumen on wood' or 'concrete flat roof')
Construction of floors:
Does the block of flats have any
external cladding and/or external wall insulation?
Yes     No
If yes, type of external cladding/insulation material:
Number of storeys:
(including any basement, loft or attic accommodation)
Approximate year the property was built (e.g. 1900)? (yyyy)
Is the block of flats Grade Listed?
(e.g. Grade I, II, etc.)
Yes     No
If yes, please confirm grade listing type:
Flood /Subsidence Questions
Has there ever been
any flooding at the property or nearby?
Yes     No
If yes, please provide details:
(e.g. circumstances of flooding,
date of damage,
amount of damage, etc.)
Has the property ever suffered from
subsidence, heave or landslip, or ever been underpinned?
Yes     No
If yes, please provide details:
(e.g. type of damage,
date of damage,
amount of damage, etc.)
Is the block of flats free from signs of
internal or external stepped or diagonal cracking?
Yes     No
Has the block of flats ever been or currently
being monitored for subsidence, heave or landslip?
Yes     No
Are there any trees within 10 metres of the
block of flats which are more than 5 metres tall?
Yes     No
If yes, please provide details
(i.e. proximity to block of flats,
height of highest tree,
and type of tree(s) (e.g. birch tree, etc.))
Is the property situated close to a cliff, seafront,
riverbank, lake or quarry (i.e. within 250 metres)?
Yes     No
If yes, please provide details:
(i.e. type of hazard,
distance to hazard, etc.)
Claims Experience
Based on the knowledge of any senior management and anyone involved in arranging the insurance after making a reasonable search, has any proposer (as a company or individual including any decision makers involved in how the business's activities are to be managed or organised), director or partner of the business, in the last 5 years sustained any loss or had any claims made against them, whether insured or not, or are they aware of any incidents that might result in a loss or claim, that are relevant to any cover available with this class of business?Yes     No
If yes, please provide details:
(i.e. date of claim,
amount claimed,
circumstances of the claim, etc.)

Property Cover

Cover Required
Level of cover required:   help
Is cover required for subsidence, heave and landslip?Yes     No  help
Is cover required for terrorism?Yes     No  help
Buildings Declared Value / Sum Insured
Is 'Day One' uplift cover required?Yes     No help
If yes, please state uplift required (15%-50%):
Buildings Declared Value (£'s):  help
Buildings Sum Insured (£'s):  help
Buildings excess required:
(Larger excesses will reduce the premium)
Loss of Rent (optional)
Is cover required for loss of rent?
(only applicable if any of the flats are rented out)
Yes     No  help
Please confirm the rent receivable per annum (£'s):  Help?
(£'s per annum)
Maximum indemnity period:
Property Owners Liability
Is cover required for property owners liability?Yes     No  help
If yes, please state the cover required:
Employers' Liability (optional)
Is employers' liability cover required?
(if you directly employ caretakers, gardeners, cleaners, etc.)
Yes     No  help
If yes, please confirm the total number of employees:
If yes, please also confirm the
total annual wages of the employees (£'s):

(£'s per annum)
What type of work is carried out by the employees?
(e.g. property maintenance, cleaners,
grounds maintenance, etc.)
Contents Of Communal Parts (optional)
Is cover for contents of communal areas required?
(e.g. contents in hallways, etc.)
Yes     No  help
If yes, please confirm the contents sum insured (£'s):
Engineering Insurance (optional)
Is engineering inspection & breakdown cover required?
(i.e. for lifts, boilers, etc.)
Yes     No  help
If yes, please provide details of equipment to be covered:
(i.e. lift, boiler, etc.)
Directors & Officers Insurance (optional)
Is directors & officers insurance cover required?
(covers 'wrongful acts' by directors of the block of flats management company)
Yes     No  help
If yes, please state the limit of indemnity required:
Do you operate as a 'not for profit'
company for the benefit of your members?
Yes     No
Please confirm the turnover/income
of the company (including service charges, etc.)?
Can you confirm that you, or the trustees, directors, officers, committee members or managers, are not aware of any claim(s) that have been made in the past, or any circumstance(s) that could give rise to a claim being made in the future, against any of its trustees, directors, officers, committee members or managers?Yes     No
If no, please provide details:
(i.e. date of claim,
circumstances of claim,
amount of claim, etc.)
Legal Expenses Cover (optional)
Is legal expenses cover required?
(£100K cover for property disputes, tax investigations, etc.)
Yes     No  Help?
Have you, or any other partner or director been
involved in any legal dispute, tax investigation
or any other court or tribunal action in the last 5 years?
Yes     No
Please provide details of the dispute including dates:

Additional Information / Covers

If there is any other information that you
wish to disclose, or any other cover that
you wish to include, please provide details:
You are required to make a fair presentation of the risk to insurers which means that you are required to disclose every material circumstance which you know or ought to know relating to the risk to be insured. Materially important information is any information that could influence an insurer's decision to accept your risk including the cost of your insurance. Failure to comply with the duty of fair presentation could mean that your policy is void or that insurers are not liable to pay all or part of your claim(s). By submitting this quotation you are confirming that there are no other material facts to disclose other than those shown above.
Details Of Current / Previous Policies

Renewal date / date cover required: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Current annual premium / best quotation (£):
This may help us to get you a better quote
Name of current / previous insurer:
e.g. Aviva, AXA, Allianz, NIG, RSA, Zurich, etc.

Request Quotation

Please ensure that all the information you have provided is correct and that you have answered all the questions accurately then press the Request Insurance Quotation button to send your quotation details to us.

Estimated Quote Time: 1 to 72 hours